Experience Comfort and Convenience with Our Mini-Split Replacement

Are you left sweating or shivering in your own home anytime bad weather passes through? Is your current mini-split system constantly breaking down, costing you hundreds of dollars in repairs? It might be time for professional mini-split replacement.

Investing in replacement services from local installers can enhance your sense of comfort while also keeping monthly bills as low as possible. The seasoned pros at Geisel Heating, Air Conditioning & Plumbing, Inc. are delighted to help you identify the best possible replacement mini-split for your needs before ensuring powerful performance from day one. Say goodbye to disappointment and hello to year-round comfort and convenience!

Get in touch with Geisel Heating, Air Conditioning & Plumbing, Inc. at 440-230-3927 today to ask about a free quote for mini-split replacement in NE Ohio.

How is Mini-Split Replacement Distinct from Installation?

Whether you’re planning new construction or just swapping out damaged equipment, replacement mini-split installation is still an important commitment. But with expert installers handling everything, all you have to do is sit back and relax as we work. We understand the distinction between new and replacement installation, given that replacement also means taking out the current unit. This step is equally as important as putting in the replacement, as dependable hookups help keep your mini-split system running like it’s supposed to.

With many makes and models to consider, we understand that reviewing possible replacements for your mini-split can be confusing. But don’t worry, because our mini-split specialists are happy to work with you to assess your needs, proposing a system that matches both your preferences and budget. Furthermore, with regularly scheduled upkeep like mini-split maintenance, new equipment should last for many years.

Contact Us Now Or Call 440-230-3927

Five Things Worth Considering About Mini-Split Replacement



Mini-splits are already compact HVAC systems in contrast to central, forced-air systems such as a furnace or air conditioner. Nevertheless, your replacement mini-split needs to be correctly sized for balanced, efficient performance. Smaller systems will have to run for much longer than necessary, while excessively large models can cause problems like short cycling that require mini-split repair. Professional installers understand how to analyze square footage, the local climate and other factors when suggesting specific models.

Energy Efficiency

Keep an eye out for mini-split models with strong energy-efficiency ratings to save more on energy bills. Also, it’s worthwhile to remember that AC-only mini-splits rely on the SEER energy efficiency rating system while heat pump models are scored by both SEER and HSPF. You should compare one or both for a better understanding of a particular model’s efficiency.



Energy Efficiency

Keep an eye out for mini-split models with strong energy-efficiency ratings to save more money on energy bills. Also, it’s smart to bear in mind that AC-only mini-splits use the SEER energy efficiency rating system while heat pump models are rated by both SEER and HSPF. You should compare one or both for a full understanding of any given model’s efficiency.

Ventilation Needs

Mini-splits are also known as ductless mini-splits because they don’t use conventional air ducts. Based on where you’re adding the replacement mini-split, an alternative option for climate control will sometimes be more advantageous. For example, especially significant renovations or sizeable additions to the property can make a more powerful system a better option.



Overall Budget

Don’t let budget surprises prevent you from experiencing a complete sense of comfort. Geisel Heating, Air Conditioning & Plumbing, Inc. offers dependable mini-split systems that fit even the smallest of budgets. More important, equipment that will provide everything you need for total comfort satisfaction.


Install Your Perfect Replacement Mini-Split Today

A failing mini-split system can’t offer it’s best anymore. At Geisel Heating, Air Conditioning & Plumbing, Inc., we strive to make the mini-split replacement process as stress-free as possible. Our certified mini-split installers will ensure your system is replaced properly, with the new model keeping you comfortable for years to come. Contact us today at 440-230-3927 to request a free quote for mini-split replacement in NE Ohio.

Save Even More with Special Offers

A complete sense of comfort shouldn’t be out of anyone’s budget. Geisel Heating, Air Conditioning & Plumbing, Inc. lightens the load with seasonal promotions, discounts and other special offers. These offers help lower costs for key services, new equipment or whatever else you need for your comfort and peace of mind. Check out our current offers for more details on how to save.

Committed to Comfort from the Very Start

While a long history of service is impressive, nothing is more important to customer satisfaction than a dedication to total comfort. Geisel Heating, Air Conditioning & Plumbing, Inc. considers your peace of mind our top priority, and that hasn’t changed since we first opened our doors. Learn more about our history, and how our communities support us just as much as we support you.